Were American POWs transferred?
Were American POWs from the Korean War Transfered to China and the former Soviet Union
Korean War POWs taken to China..... its a fact! After 50 years of denial, the Chinese government admitted that Richard Desautels was taken to China where he died and was buried.
Associated Press Breaks the Story.... Korean War POWs moved to China
The Transfer of US Korean War POWs to the Soviet Union -- This 1993 report was originally presented to the Russian government as an official U.S. document. Shortly thereafter, it was leaked to the Media. When family members heard about the report they requested copies from the Defense POW/MIA Office (DPMO.) In an effort to withold this report, DPMO reclassified the report "Working Papers." Under the law "Working Papers" do not have to be supplied upon request. As the report was already in the hands of the media, family members were able to obtain copies, in spite of the best efforts of DPMO.
Korean War POW Transfers to the Soviet Union - a video presented to the Russians in 1993. Prepared by the Joint Commission Support Directorate, the investigative arm of the US/Russian Joint Commission the vidoe outlines evidence of POWs transfered to the former Soviet Union.
Russian Memoirs - More evidence leading to the inescapable conclusion that POWs from World War II, and Korea were transfered to the former Soviet Union. This memoir provides information on 3 American POW/MIAs from the Korean War and the Cold War